Mental Health Test

Mental Health Test
抑鬱測試 (PHQ-9)

Over the past two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems? 

(Note: This website will not collect or store any personal information about you)

Feeling down, depressed, irritable, or hopeless
Feeling bored with everything or not wanting to do anything at all
Difficulty sleeping; waking up in the middle of the night or sleeping too much
Poor appetite or overeating
Feeling tired or lacking energy
Disliking oneself - feeling like you're not doing well, feeling disappointed in yourself, or feeling like you're letting your family down
Difficulty concentrating on tasks, such as doing homework, reading, or watching TV
Others noticing that you are moving or speaking more slowly than usual; or conversely, that you are more active than usual - fidgety, unable to sit still
Thoughts of death or self-harm
抑鬱測試 (PHQ-9) Result
Your score:

0-4: You do not have significant depressive symptoms

5-9: You have mild depressive symptoms. You may consider seeking professional help. Students from Primary 4 to Secondary 3 can also call the Mind and Brain Hotline at 37516554 to talk to us.

10-14: You have moderate depressive symptoms. Please seek professional help as soon as possible. Students from Primary 4 to Secondary 3 can also call the Mind and Brain Hotline at 37516554 to talk to us.

15-19: You have severe depressive symptoms. Please seek professional help immediately.

20-27: You have very severe depressive symptoms. Please seek professional help immediately.

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