School-based Speech Therapy Services

School-based Speech Therapy Services
School-based Speech Therapy (Enhanced Speech Therapy Allowance)

Speech therapists will provide on-site speech therapy services to help schools more effectively support the development of students with speech impairments in all aspects, including social communication, learning, reading and writing, etc.

Four Service Levels

1. Student Level

  • Provide diagnostic assessments for students suspected of having language impairment (assessment areas include pre-language skills, language comprehension, language expression, social language use, articulation, oral muscle function, vocal use, and speaking fluency)
  • Providing regular reviews for students undergoing training, and continuously measure communication performance during training to review training effectiveness
  • Arrange targeted individual, group or class speech therapy services according to school resources and the type and level of students' language impairment

2. Teacher Level

  • Teachers or resident social workers are welcome to observe the class to deepen understanding of students’ abilities and master treatment skills
  • Conduct case conferences with teachers to deepen mutual understanding of students with language impairment and exchange support strategies and techniques
  • Provide lectures or workshops to share with teachers how to identify students with language barriers in school, and explain the characteristics of students' language barriers and their impact on learning

3. Parents Level

  • Parents are welcome to observe the class, allowing the therapist to explain the treatment goals, treatment skills and home training methods in detail to the parents, so as to enhance the parents' ability to support their speech-impaired children
  • Face-to-face or phone consultation with parents
  • Provide lectures or workshops to share with parents the characteristics of students' language barriers, the impact of language barriers on daily life and methods to create a rich language environment.

4. School Level

  • Assist schools in formulating school-based strategies to support students with language impairment
  • Assist the school to create an inclusive culture, so that all students in the school can better understand language barriers and accept more students with language barriers
Service Features
  • Speech therapist will use Cantonese, English or Mandarin to provide service according to the child’s language background and needs
  • Provide evidenced-based service
Documentation and Administrative Arrangements

The therapist processes the required documents on time in accordance with the requirements and guidelines of the Education Bureau, including but not limited to:

  • Language Impaired Student List
  • Assessment Report
  • Treatment Progress Report
  • Treatment Clinical Records
  • Teachers and Parents Consultation Records
Service Enquiry

We welcome schools. For enquiries, please fill in the Service Enquiry Form, email to [email protected] or call us at 5539 6773 / WhatsApp 5539 6773.

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