👩🏻‍💼:「救命啊,又到咗high season,對住咁多deadline,我嗰頭又開始痛喇!」

👨🏻‍💼:「唉 ~ 陣間十點又要開會,仲有一堆proposal要趕…點解我心口又揦住揦住痛嘅?」

相信上述情況對於作為香港人的你一定不會陌生 - 生活實在有太多累人的事,每天背著如石般重的壓力,試問身體又怎能承受?「喂你有冇止痛藥呀?借粒嚟吖…」

Pain is actually a warning signal sent by the body. It could be a health issue, or it could be the result of excessive mental stress. Taking medication can relieve pain temporarily but not address the underlying root cause, and taking too much can be harmful to your body.  If your pain is not properly treated, it can develop into chronic pain at any time!

如果想從根源解決痛症,以心中醫 Rapha Chinese Medicine Clinic 以心中醫 和 Edge Development Centre 携手合辦的 「綜合痛症治療服務」可以幫到你。首先,中醫師會檢查你身體各方面的需要,用中藥、針灸等方法幫你治理痛症;而輔導心理學家則會和你談談你的壓力來源,用靜觀、輔導等方法幫你調理情緒。大家努力工作之餘,亦要照顧好自己的身心健康。如果想了解治療痛症詳情,請即留下資料👉👉👉bit.do/paincentreservice 我哋會盡快聯絡你!

