- HK01/明報/星島日報/文匯報:Edge Development Centre與教大合作舉辦的「心腦加油站:補習.輔導計劃」獲得廣泛好評及傳媒報導
- 明報/星島日報:Edge總監暨精神健康諮詢委員會委員張浩原先生接受報章訪問 為應屆SEN考生提供實用貼示
- 杏林在線:有口難嚥
- Hong Kong Repertory Theatre:Podcast. Theme: Strengthening parent-child communication. Making children feel loved and accepted.
- Health Plus: Helping SEN students finding their ways of learning
- Health Plus: Helping SEN students overcoming learning barriers
- 健康創富 : 「樂信好牧人計劃」 循循善誘帶自閉症患兒突破言語障礙
- Bloomberg: Post-Covid Workplaces Can Close the Autism Gap
- HKET: The Education University of Hong Kong and the social enterprises run the "Mind and Study Matter" to train undergraduate students to support secondary school students with mental health needs. Over 80 undergraduate students serve as promotional ambassadors
- HKET: Tuition service was intended to include secondary school students with mental health problems. DSE experience was shared, hoping to become a good teacher and helpful friend
- HKET:"The Good Shepherd Project". Feedback from Parents: Instructors are passionate in teaching
- HKET:"The Good Shepherd Project". Training Undergraduates to be SEN teachers
- RTHK:Podcast.Theme: Postpartum Depression
- RTHK: Podcast. Theme: Only Child
- TVB: Podcast. Theme: Is only-child syndrome real?
- Sing Tao Daily: Panic towards COVID-19 might cause psychosomatic disorder Experts urge not to over panic