🌱 Remote psychological counseling to accompany you through every stage of life 🌱

Life is always full of ups and downs, sometimes we may feel lost and helpless, and we need someone who can listen and understand by our side. In this fast-paced world, it's not easy to find someone you can trust. This is why we provide remote psychological counseling services, allowing us to accompany you through every stage of life, face difficulties together, and find spiritual comfort.

Scientific Evidence

Many scientific studies have pointed out that the effectiveness of remote psychological counseling in the treatment of emotional disorders is similar to that of traditional methods (Andrew et al., 2018; Leradi et al., 2022; Luo et al., 2020).

According to a study published in the 2018 scientific journal "Journal of Psychological Disorders", the effectiveness of remote cognitive behavioral therapy for patients with severe depression and social anxiety is no different from physical therapy. In 2021, the American Psychological Association reported that 96% of psychologists surveyed agreed that remote mental health services are an effective form of treatment.

Benefits of Remote Services


You only need to use a device that can connect to the Internet for psychological counseling in the form of video meetings or telephone calls, saving travel time, providing an alternative for people who are busy with work or need to take care of their families, and can also reduce the time and cost of psychological counseling .

Familiar Environment

Many people have become familiar to meeting online nowadays. For those who are shy and anxious, remote psychological counseling can be carried out in a familiar environment. You can relax and express themselves, reducing the sense of oppression that may be caused by counseling in an unfamiliar environment.

Protect Personal Privacy

Remote psychological counseling can also eliminate the chance of being recognized and stigmatized by others during physical psychological counseling, and increase the sense of security.

 🌟How can we help?🌟


No matter where you are, you can have psychological counseling with a counseling psychologist online. Our professional counseling psychologists will help you clarify your problems, explore solutions, and provide support and guidance to lift you out of your lows and regain your strength and hope.

Privacy protected

During your consultation with us, your privacy will be fully protected. Feel free to share your story here and let us work together to find a solution for you.

Professional Team

Our team of counseling psychologists has rich experience and professional knowledge to provide you with the psychological counseling method that best suits your needs.

 🌈 The journey of life may not be easy, we cannot always face all challenges alone. Whether it is emotional distress, family issues, workplace stress, or relationship challenges, we are here to support you wholeheartedly. Let us walk hand in hand for hope and happiness.

If you or someone you know is facing psychological distress, please give us a chance to walk with you through this difficult journey. Please contact us, let us move towards a healthier and happier life together.

Service Charge

Individual counselling:$800/ session (50 minutes)

Group/ family counselling:Depends on service details 

*Fee adjustment will be considered based on one’s financial ability/situation

To book a counseling service, you can

      • Call our Prince Edward Centre at 3751 6554 or WhatApp 5539 6773

    Please leave your name, phone number, and main concerns. We will reply you as soon as possible and provide a free 15-minute telephone consultation to understand your needs initially and then make service suggestions.


    Amerian Psychological Association. (2021). Worsening mental health crisis pressures psychologist workforce: 2021 COVID-19 Practitioner Survey. 

    Andrews, G., Basu, A., Cuijpers, P., Craske, M. G., McEvoy, P., English, C. L., & Newby, J. M. (2018). Computer therapy for the anxiety and depression disorders is effective, acceptable and practical health care: An updated meta-analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 55, 70–78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.janxdis.2018.01.001 

    Apolinário-Hagen, J., & Salewski, C. (2018). Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy and online mindfulness training for panic disorder. In Y.-K. Kim (Ed.), Panic disorder: Assessment, management and research insights (pp. 221–245). Nova Science Publishers.

    Lerardi, E., Bottini, M. & Riva Crugnola, C. (2022). Effectiveness of an online versus face-to-face psychodynamic counselling intervention for university students before and during the COVID-19 period. BMC Psychology, 10, 35. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-022-00742-7 
    Luo, C., Sanger, N., Singhal, N., Pattrick, K., Shams, L., Shahid, H., Hoang, P.,l Schmidt, J.,  Lee, J., Haber, S., Puckering, M., Buchanan, N., Lee, P., Ng,K., Sun, S., Kheyson, S., Chung, D. C. Y., Sanger, S., Thabane, L., & Samaan. Z. (2020). A comparison of electronically-delivered and face to face cognitive behavioural therapies in depressive disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 24(100442). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100442
